A key factor in the success of local businesses is the attraction, development and retention of young people. The Melbourne Business Awards operated three programmes to assist in this regard:

  • Attraction - The Melbourne Business Awards Schools Programme aimed to inspire future young employees by inviting local schools to send a teacher and up to four students to Melbourne Business Awards Breakfasts.
  • Development - The Melbourne Business Awards aimed to encourage the development of young employees by recognising companies who demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the training of young people.
  • Retention - The Melbourne Business Awards Young Achiever Award (see separate information sheet) aimed to identify and promote young people who were making a significant contribution to the company where they were employed.


The Melbourne Business Awards Schools Programme was open to any secondary or tertiary level education organisation that was based in the South East Region of Melbourne. Attendance was limited to two schools per breakfast.


The Melbourne Business Awards Schools Program provided schools with the opportunity for one teacher and four students to be their guests at a Melbourne Business Awards Breakfast where they met and connected with businesses in their local area as well as hearing from a range of speakers that provided inspiration and insight into work-life and careers.